Practice Areas
Harassment and Discrimination
We understand that conflict and/or interpersonal friction is ubiquitous and often unavoidable in the workplace. With its politics and competing ambitions of workers, the workplace often feels like an episode from “Game of Thrones.” Thankfully, we have laws that promote and ensure a workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination. To that end, we will vigorously litigate a case when we believe our client has been subjected to discrimination and/or harassment. If you or someone you know believes he or she has been a victim of harassment and/or discrimination, please call our office. We offer a free initial comprehensive consultation and evaluation.
We understand that it takes courage to speak up to assert your rights, especially when others stay silent. We applaud those workers who take the initiative to assert their rights or complain about illegal or unsafe work policies or conditions. When we believe our client has been the victim of retaliation for asserting his/her rights or disclosing illegal or unsafe work conditions, we will zealously advocate on his or her behalf. If you or someone you know believes he or she has been a victim of retaliation, please call our office. We offer a free initial comprehensive consultation and evaluation.
Wrongful Termination
While many workers in California are probably unaware of this simple fact: you may be fired for essentially any reason at all, except you may not be fired for an illegal reason. One example of an illegal reason is firing an employee for refusing to engage in a company’s illegal activities. If you or someone you know believes he or she has been wrongfully terminated, please call our office. We offer a free initial comprehensive consultation and evaluation.
Wage and Hour Litigation
We understand the vast scope, and the subtle nuances of state and federal employment law, and when it comes to wage-and-hour disputes, we will aggressively pursue a fair outcome for our client. We regularly litigate single-plaintiff and multi-plaintiff wage-and-hour cases, including failure to provide overtime pay, meal breaks, and payment of less than the mandatory minimum wage. In addition, we litigate cases involving misclassification of workers, for example, independent contractors and salaried employees. If you or someone you know believes that he or she has not been compensated properly, please call our office. We offer a free initial comprehensive consultation and evaluation.